Mark V E-meter

Scientology Mark V E-meter. Serial number: Delta 3950. It was last calibrated in 1978, but that’s ok, it still does nothing useful just as well as a "modern" Mark VIII Quantum right off the rack.

This device would be attached to two metal cans held by the subject. A mild current is passed through the body, and the electrical resistance across their body is measured. The conductivity of human skin varies depending on a variety of factors, such as the relative wetness/dryness of the palms. Scientologists believe it measures a variety of things, from prior psychological trauma, to deceitful intention. In "Sec Checks", the device is used more like a primitive polygraph machine to interrogate the subject. This can go on for months to years, as long as it takes to secure a confession victims of the process.

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Mk V, and Mk 7 Marcabian Death Ray

Now, any sufficiently enlightened Scientologist is immediately going to recognize these as your standard issue Mk V, and Mk VII Marcabian Death Ray. We can’t all be superthetans though, so I figured I’d just come right out, and tell you. The Mk V was originally introduced into service during the 3rd Martian Insurrection, where rebel forces loyal to Xenu staged a planetwide laugh-in, refusing to remain silent during the indoctrination films. According to some sources, as many as 48 billion thetans participated in the event.

The Mk VII was rushed into service to correct a series of perceived flaws in the Mk VI design. Users reported the device had a tendency to fire uncontrollably, while holstered, often injuring the feet of the supplicant/victim. It is believed that the majority of incidents involving self injury were a result of improper use by undertrained, overworked staff. Nonetheless, the Mk VII incorporated a new "Safety" feature touted by the manufacturer as the most significant technological breakthrough in firearms since the original Mk 1 "Potato Blaster".

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Select Passages Illustrating Mithraism

I just thought this was neat. I distinctly remember my visit to a Mithraic church buried under about 40 feet of Rome. I had no idea they were still around. Maybe I should look into this Mithraism thing, there could be something to it! Alright, first things first…where did I put that goat?

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